Your Creative Path Workbook An Artist’s Guide to Goal Setting, Career Planning, and Creating Intentional Art


Your Creative Path Workbook An Artist’s Guide to Goal Setting, Career Planning, and Creating Intentional Art


619 円 (税抜き)

You live life on your terms. You want to step out of your comfort zone and find creative success. Easier said than done, right? Engaging with the guided journaling exercises and questions in this workbook will help you to: Focus your intentions for your art practice. Identify and overcome self-sabotaging beliefs. Set goals that are both ambitious and realistic. Grow your abundance in all areas of your artistic life. Ground your art in social change. Your Creative Path is for the slam poets, the travel photographers, the experimental musicians, the digital nomads. This workbook is for the creatives. Whether your medium is avant-garde or old school, this workbook will push you to unlock your fullest potential. Grab this workbook and manifest the creative life of your dreams!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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journaling Ground Whether manifest nomads