E.S.C.A.P.E.(Eventually Sex Cripples A Persons Emotions) Lust that Overwhelms the Value of Emotions, #2


E.S.C.A.P.E.(Eventually Sex Cripples A Persons Emotions) Lust that Overwhelms the Value of Emotions, #2


3,350 円 (税抜き)

E.S.C.A.P.E. Eventually Sex will Cripple A Person's Emotions In his efforts to E.S.C.A.P.E., L.A. has found the love that his heart always desired, but it came at a cost. After finding out who murdered his father and avenging his death, L.A. struggles with his own bag of secrets. Guilt consumes his thoughts and dreams while a woman with leverage threatens to jeopardize his relationship as well as his freedom. L.A. has given up the lifestyle he was so prone to living for a type of love he had never encountered before. Now he is faced with a choice: either expose his secrets and risk losing the woman of his dreams and his freedom or live by the rules and regulations set forth by the "Devil!" Even though L.A. made it out of the streets and tried to change his life around for the better, he ended up falling victim to something far worse. Blackmail. This sudden shift of direction in his life caused him to question if he was just a bad guy pretending to be good or a good guy just pretending to be bad? Blackmail, lies, scandal, sex and love make up about 95 percent of this book. The other 5 percent is the deception and secrets L.A. is willing to take to his grave. Too bad technology would not allow his secrets to die with him.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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always Blackmail efforts before father