Black Harlequin The Romance Reveal: Pharaoh’s Surprise Black Harlequin The Romance Revealed, #6


Black Harlequin The Romance Reveal: Pharaoh’s Surprise Black Harlequin The Romance Revealed, #6


1,200 円 (税抜き)

Book Six goes abroad with the naughty influence of Queel but the talents of the veteran model, Ebony & a new face, Atyarres, captured in the campaign splashed across the globe. The campaign launched not only a trip but a new single from the international recording artist, "Pharaoh". As Ebony picks his poison, he's challenged by loyalty in and out of the sheets, contracts beyond the scope of passion, lust and acts of commission.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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artist naughty influence captured challenged