Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought


Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought


4,518 円 (税抜き)

Responding to the signs of the time, this book brings the lens of Catholic social thought (CST) to the enterprise of Catholic higher education in the United States. Scandals in the Church and the growth of religious non-affiliation in the culture have made being Catholic greatly challenging for Catholic colleges and universities, at the same time that the economics of higher education have mounted a challenge to the very viability of many institutions. This book throws light on what Catholic colleges and universities might and must do in order both to preserve their mission and renew it for the future.CST is concerned with the right ordering of social institutions, or in other words the systems in which individuals live and work. CST is accordingly relevant not only to the internal dynamics and structures of Catholic colleges and universities, but to the system of U.S. higher education in which individual colleges and universities operate. This edited volume, consisting of high-quality chapters by authors with disciplinary expertise, deploys the resources of CST to shed light on both internal and external challenges to, opportunities for, and obligations on institutions of Catholic higher education in the U.S. context.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
economics throws relevant growth disciplinary