X-ray Photon Processing Detectors Space, Industrial, and Medical applications


X-ray Photon Processing Detectors Space, Industrial, and Medical applications


9,723 円 (税抜き)

This book provides readers a good overview of some of most recent advances in the field of hybrid pixelated detectors for X-ray imaging. Coverage includes both technology and applications, with an in-depth review of the research topics conducted at leading research institutions in the world. The conversion of the X-ray signal into an analogue/digital value is discussed, as well as a review of CMOS chips used for X-ray image sensors. Applications of hybrid pixel detectors are discussed, such as medical imaging, high energy physics, space, non-destructive testing and security. Provides coverage of a broad range of topics, from international experts in academia and industry; Includes in-depth analysis of how to optimize X-ray detection and electronics for X-ray detection; Covers both technology and applications in a number of different domains. 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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signal conducted testing Applications -depth