Praying Right A Holy Spirit-Breathed Prayer Guide for Your Christian Walk of Faith


Praying Right A Holy Spirit-Breathed Prayer Guide for Your Christian Walk of Faith


1,409 円 (税抜き)

Do you find it difficult to pray? Do words fail you to express yourself in prayer? Maybe you don't have a prayer routine. Worry no more. The good news is that ' Praying Right' is written just for you. It is a prayer manual written in simple terms to assist you in connecting with God and experiencing the tremendous advantages of the Holy Spirit. In this manual, you will learn: ?the meaning and essence of prayer, ? the significance of prayer ?the right approach to prayer ?several forms of prayers ranging from thanksgiving, to providence, relationships, the Church of Christ etc. This manual teaches and demonstrates how praising God may deepen your relationship with him. You would find out more about the Holy Spirit- a unique aid that God has given to guide and console you. You would also earn to pay attention to the inner guidance of the Holy Spirit so that you may make wise judgments in life. Now, it does not matter whether you have prayed often or seldom, "Praying Right" is ideal for everyone. You'll discover useful recommendations to help you pray more effectively, experience God's love more deeply and the have your answers quicker than usual. You are sure to profit greatly from prayer and the Holy Spirit having the "Praying Right" guide/manual as your companion. Grab your copy now!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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