Wide Canvas Twisting Words... True Meanings


Wide Canvas Twisting Words... True Meanings


270 円 (税抜き)

I present my seventh book “Wide Canvas” with more thoughts for you to ponder upon. This comes after my six books with thoughts presented as “Simple Perceptions”, “My Mirror”, “New Clouds”, “Open Windows”, “Our Horizons” and “Tiny Pathways”. In the book “Wide Canvas” the words are about finding new canvases to spread our power of thinking and work on finding a deeper meaning to everything that surrounds you. Writing these new set of thoughts over time, has been a process of revelation and an adventure with words as always. These strings of words emerge from the observation of humanity. The images in this book add another dimension for you to explore. The images remain close to the words and offer a sense of conceptualism. I believe in words, they have a force and power, strong enough to change destinies. My faith in words keeps me delving towards writing more.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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