The Death of Manolete


The Death of Manolete


906 円 (税抜き)

On Thursday, August 28, 1947, a 30-year-old millionaire named Manuel Laureano Rodriguezー Manoleteー and a Miura bull named Islero killed each other. In The Death of Manolete, Barnaby Conrad recounts the extraordinary life and demise of this young bullfighter, from the childhood that made the Spanish boy and the sacrifice that made the man to the girl who brought him love and the acclaim that brought him incredible success. A symbol of Latin pride, valor, and chivalry, Manolete fired the Latin imagination as no one had done since El Cid. But the crowds owned him, and on one fateful afternoon in the town of Linares, he did their biddingー and an untimely death snuffed out the brightest flame in Spain. Featuring more than 250 images, this photo-narrative provides a stirring farewell to a beloved bullfighter.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Featuring incredible Linares bullfighter -narrative