Historic Haunts of Sumner County, Tennessee


Historic Haunts of Sumner County, Tennessee


1,735 円 (税抜き)

From the homes of the first settlers in Middle Tennessee to Gallatin's public square and everywhere in between, there is not a more haunted county in America. The Winchesters' unique and architecturally impressive Cragfont had mysterious occurrences from its very beginnings in the late 1700s. Gallatin's public square, its courthouse, loft apartments and places of business have hauntings that seem to specifically point to restless spirits still unsettled from the oppressive days of Civil War occupation by a brutal commanding officer of the Union army. Even the modern subdivisions are not immune to the supernatural, hosting everything from flying cryptids to tormented spirit-remnants of the bloody conflict between settlers and Native Americans. Author Donna Lyn Hartley details the spooky side of Sumner County.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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