de Sade & Grimm, A Seduction of Clay Salacious Medieval Mysteries, #2


de Sade & Grimm, A Seduction of Clay Salacious Medieval Mysteries, #2


500 円 (税抜き)

I wake up with no memory of who I am. The potter claims to be my husband. He touches me. I do not resist. He squeezes me. I do not resist. His fingers enter me. I do not resist. He demands I suckle him. I do not resist. I swallow his essence. I don't know who I am. But I know he is not my husband. WARNING: This story includes solo F, solo M, D/s, M/f and F/m. Also, in this short story, the victim is subservient to her master, unable to defy his commands. Such scenes may disturb sensitive readers. CWs are on the author's website.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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disturb swallow potter author scenes