In the quaint town of Evergreen, a mysterious carnival appears under the light of the full moon, enchanting the townsfolk with its dazzling performances while concealing a dark secret. When a curse binds the spirits of its performers to the carnival, it becomes clear that something sinister lurks beneath the surface. Determined to uncover the truth, a brave alliance of misfit performersーincluding a fortune teller, a bearded lady, and a fearless acrobatーbands together. Led by a young hero haunted by visions of the carnival's past, they navigate hidden passages and cryptic symbols in their quest to confront the enigmatic ringmaster, Evelyn. As the Midnight Convergence approaches, the stakes rise. With the carnival's malevolent magic unleashed, chaos ensues, forcing the townsfolk to confront their worst fears. The alliance must make heart-wrenching sacrifices and discover the true meaning of courage as they battle against dark forces to break the curse that has plagued their town for centuries. The Carnival of Shadows is a haunting tale of friendship, sacrifice, and the enduring power of hope. Will the courage of a few be enough to shatter the shadows and restore peace to Evergreen, or will the dark legacy of the carnival forever haunt their dreams?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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