On Becoming a Rapist How easily it could happen to you or someone you love...


On Becoming a Rapist How easily it could happen to you or someone you love...


1,067 円 (税抜き)

In the gripping novel "On Becoming a Rapist," the story revolves around William Webster, a Louisiana native who, at a young age, volunteered for the Marines driven by a desire to serve his country and protect his fellow Americans. William's unwavering dedication led him to make sacrifices without seeking rewards. However, upon returning home after an honorable discharge, William's life takes an unexpected turn. Struggling with addiction, he finds himself accused of a heinous crime. As the accusations mount, William faces a moral dilemma and societal judgment. Can he accept the conflicting labels thrust upon him? Can he be both a hero and a rapist? Is there room for redemption or understanding within such complex circumstances? "On Becoming a Rapist" is a thought-provoking and poignant exploration of identity, societal perception, and the consequences of one's actions. The narrative challenges readers to question the nature of labels, the complexities of human behavior, and the potential for redemption. Through William's journey, readers are confronted with uncomfortable truths and forced to reevaluate their own beliefs.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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sacrifices William gripping readers challenges