ERADICATING COMPASSION FATIGUE Techniques To Address Post-traumatic Stress In Trauma Care Professionals


ERADICATING COMPASSION FATIGUE Techniques To Address Post-traumatic Stress In Trauma Care Professionals


701 円 (税抜き)

This fascinating book peels apart the many layers of emotional tiredness that surround people who provide care, exploring the complex worlds of compassion fatigue. The book methodically reveals the causes and symptoms of compassion fatigue via profound insights and practical techniques, providing an engaging story of recovery and resilience. Its moving conclusion acts as a call to action, imploring readers to give self-care first priority, create supportive surroundings, and champion the resilience required for long-term empathy. This book serves as a beacon of empowerment in a culture where the responsibilities of caregiving professions frequently result in burnout. In addition to outlining the difficulties, it offers a revolutionary road map for doing away with compassion fatigue, encouraging a fresh dedication to the significant influence that compassionate care has on our community's overall wellbeing画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
worlds required outlining engaging resilience