Sutherland Gray Wolf Security Wyoming, #5


Sutherland Gray Wolf Security Wyoming, #5


350 円 (税抜き)

This is the fifth book of the Gray Wolf Security Wyoming series, with over 50,000 words of romantic suspense. I'm a widow. I'm a mother. I'm a rancher. Nowhere in that description is lover or savior. But some cosmic force thought it would be hilarious to throw in the Hollywood hunk next door at the same time some massive criminal organization decides to kidnap my dead husband's best friend, my mentor, my friend. To add to the list, someone's been sabotaging my ranch and someone else has been stealing secrets from my office and giving them to the enemy. Or maybe it's the same person. How am I supposed to figure it out? I'm too busy falling into bed with the Hollywood hunk and trying to figure out where Ashford Grayson is being held while making sure the cattle doesn't burn up in a grass fire. All in a day's work? Welcome to the chaos.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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making massive suspense kidnap someone