In the quiet town of Eldermere, where everyday life flowed like a serene river, there existed an unseen undercurrent of mystique. As dawn broke on a seemingly ordinary morning, it cast its first light on our protagonist, Amelia Hartley. Little did she know that this day would mark the unveiling of a gift that lingered beneath the surface of her unassuming existence. Amelia, a librarian with a penchant for classic literature and an affinity for simplicity, woke up to the soft hues of sunrise filtering through her bedroom curtains. Her routine was as predictable as the sunrise itselfーuntil today. Unbeknownst to her, a latent power had been quietly coursing through her veins, waiting for the opportune moment to reveal itself.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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