Close To Sleigh Bells A Westen Series Christmas Novel


Close To Sleigh Bells A Westen Series Christmas Novel


667 円 (税抜き)

This festive holiday season, Noel Fisher, an Army Reserve linguist, is looking for a chance to reconnect with his daughter, Callie. When Callie gets excited about career day at school, where a horse from a local farm will be present, Noel sees a chance to make his daughter's dreams come true. Montgomery Taylor, a shy equestrian therapist and horse trainer, runs a business from her farm on the outskirts of Westen. When Noel offers to work on her farm's outdated electrical system in exchange for free riding lessons for Callie, the two of them form an unlikely bond. But when two innocent people are put in jeopardy, it's up to Noel, Monty, and the people of Westen to save them. With danger, romance, and the holiday spirit, Close to Sleigh Bells is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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daughter outskirts Taylor looking equestrian