In the year 2063, Detective Lucas Amasa is thrust into a chilling game of deception when a series of ritualistic murders plague the Red Candle Church community. Guided by the cutting-edge AI Law Enforcement System, Detective Amasa unravels cryptic messages, obscure poems, and a trail of bodies that lead to an enigmatic figure, Daniel Boris Jacob. As the body count rises, Amasa must confront a merciless killer with a twisted sense of justice. “Cadence: The Ruins of Belial” is a riveting religious thriller that combines high-tech crime-solving, psychological suspense, and a relentless pursuit of a godly justice. Can Detective Amasa expose the real truth and stop the killer before becoming a pawn in this deadly game of deception? Prepare for a rollercoaster of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final, haunting revelation. Step into the world of “Cadence: The Ruins of Belial,” where every move counts, and deception lurks in the most unexpected places. "Perception isn't truth?" hints that what we perceive or believe to be true may not necessarily align with our reality.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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