True-Crime Story The Osage Murders and the Reign of Terror


True-Crime Story The Osage Murders and the Reign of Terror


667 円 (税抜き)

One of the most gripping serial crimes of all time!!!! In the early 1920s, in Osage County, Oklahoma, members of the Osage Nation began dying under mysterious circumstances. Some were shot; others were killed in bombing attacks or died from poisoning. Within just a few years, over a dozen Osage people had perished. The Osage called this violent period the "Reign of Terror," as they lived in constant fear for their lives. What made these crimes even more sinister was that the Osage were an extremely wealthy tribe due to the vast oil resources discovered beneath their reservation lands. It seemed the murders were all linked to the inheritors of deceased tribal members' estates. As the death toll rose, the scattered crime scenes and cover-ups indicated this was no random string of attacksーit was a coordinated, premeditated conspiracy to profit off Osage deaths. With the growing body count and lack of answers from local law enforcement, the relatively new Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), under Director J. Edgar Hoover, stepped in to investigate. This riveting true crime book details the "Reign of Terror" through extensive archival research and first-hand accounts. It traces the FBI's pioneering investigation that overcame corruption and prejudice to finally bring the perpetrators to justice. Most chillingly, it exposes how unchecked greed and a sense of racial entitlement led to the brazen commission of one of the deadliest serial murder plots in America's history against the Osage people. A harrowing yet crucial story of justice triumphant against all odds.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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premeditated against attacks history poisoning