Bernard Shaw, Paul Ricoeur, and the Jesusian Dialectics of Redemptive Living


Bernard Shaw, Paul Ricoeur, and the Jesusian Dialectics of Redemptive Living


13,369 円 (税抜き)

This book explores a heretofore unremarked linkage between Bernard Shaw, the twentieth-century French thinker Paul Ricoeur, and Jesus of Nazareth. The ties that bind them are a foundational interest in the social teachings of the Nazarene and their use of a shared dialectics with respect to living the kind of compassionate life that holds out the promise in our contemporary world of achieving something approximating universal wellness on a healthy planet at peace with itself. This work argues that the three principal subjects of the studyーindependently of one anotherーused the same dialectical method to reach the same dialectically derived conclusion about how humans can live redemptively in a fractured world.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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between itself achieving Nazarene teachings