Reliability Engineering Data analytics, modeling, risk prediction


Reliability Engineering Data analytics, modeling, risk prediction


13,369 円 (税抜き)

This textbook teaches methods of data analytics for technical reliability analyses and risk prognosis on the basis of probabilistics, statistics and modelling. The methods of Reliability Engineering are applied in the elementary phases of the product emergence process (concept and series development, production) as well as during the field use of technical products. This book contains a detailed outline of the basics of statistics, graphical visualisation and calculation methods. Numerous case studies are discussed, representing typical tasks of the engineer in reliability analysis during development/production as well as during the assessment of field damages. The target groups are thus both engineering students and practitioning engineers who deal with technical reliability in the context of the development and manufacturing of complex technical products as well as field data analyses. The presentation of the methods and procedures of Reliability Engineering follows theguideline "theory-guided - practice-oriented", so that this book can be used both as a reference work and as a textbook.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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