Bring Me That Horizon A Journey to the Soul of Portuguese Football


Bring Me That Horizon A Journey to the Soul of Portuguese Football


2,099 円 (税抜き)

Bring Me that Horizon is a fascinating quest into the heart and soul of Portuguese football. Journeying across its landscape, from old and forgotten bastions of invincibility to new, muscled industrial areas where dreams come true, the book uncovers the multiple identities of Portugal as a nation. Whether visiting historical clubs that were miraculously brought back to life or getting to grips with the complexity of Portugal's 'Game of Thrones' fight for supremacy, the book traces a route north to south, island to island, without forgetting the profound connection with Africa and Brazil. From Eus?bio's glorious career to C?ndido de Oliveira's adventures as a British intelligence agent, the book reveals a nation that already had fantastic tales to tell before it became the flavour of the month for football hipsters at the turn of the millennium. There's much more to Portugal's football heritage than Ronaldo and Mourinho.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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bastions getting Thrones uncovers already