Stories and Anecdotes Written, Remembered, Collected and Compiled


Stories and Anecdotes Written, Remembered, Collected and Compiled


601 円 (税抜き)

This is a collection of stories, anecdotes, and reminiscences written, collected, and compiled over a long professional life. They amuse or provoke serious thought, aiming to make the reader laugh for a few moments and think for much longer. Most are in short essay form, some with a discursive introductory beginning leading to a serious or amusing ending, the real thrust of the story. Most are based on personal experience. The stories about bees are factual and based on a life-long hobby of beekeeping. The last thoughtfully written section from a lifetime as a doctor is entirely serious, educational, and thought-provoking.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
longer discursive moments thoughtfully aiming