She Wants a Ringーand I Don't Wanna Change a Thing How a Man Can Overcome His Fears of Commitment and Marriage


She Wants a Ringーand I Don't Wanna Change a Thing How a Man Can Overcome His Fears of Commitment and Marriage


1,584 円 (税抜き)

James Douglas Barron offers humorous, practical advice for the guy who has trouble making commitment. Telling his one story of dating and engagement, he tackles the problems that plague millions of men: "Is She The One?" "No Other Woman for the Rest of My Life?" "Will We Love Each Other When We're Shriveled Up Old Raisins?" Barron gives the quick, invaluable tips on how to get over the hurdle of proposal, engagement, planning the wedding, and getting to the altar.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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tackles Barron getting making hurdle