This story revolves around a family of mice, a donkey, a lamb, and a pigeon. Mr. Henry Brown is president of Mouse Transportation Company in Bethlehem of Judea. Harriet is his wife and they have a son and a daughter, Henry and Henrietta. Lucy the lamb and Bruno the donkey have been an integral part of the Brown's life for several years and they're all like family. However, Pedro the pigeon is a site to behold. He provides the antics and tests the patience of Mr. Brown. Yet Pedro is considered to be part of the family too, as he flies in and out of their lives. The extended family faces life's hardships, just like everyone else. But they happen to be living in a manger that God has chosen to give birth to his only son, Jesus. They deal with the intrigue of wicked King Herod, are amazed at the majestic magi, and are humbled by the lowly shepherds. After Jesus' birth, the Brown's realize that there is a peace amongst them that they had never known. But with King Herod's evil intentions, will it last?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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