In a thrilling tale spanning decades and dimensions, The Rabbit, The Jaguar, & The Snake intertwines the fates of three disparate souls, each facing their own harrowing trials. Bonesaw, a notorious gangster of the early 20th century, finds himself thrust into a deadly game orchestrated by the enigmatic Brotherhood. Trapped between participating in the blood-soaked trials of The Gauntlet or facing certain death, he must navigate a maze of treachery and violence where survival is far from guaranteed. Fast forward nearly a century, where Detective Katherine Wheeler grapples with a series of gruesome murders, each victim meeting a grisly end as something monstrous erupts from within. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she uncovers a chilling truth: an otherworldly invasion is underway, threatening humanity's very existence. Meanwhile, on a distant and primitive planet, Coatl, a valiant warrior, faces his own battle against the monstrous tecuani. Infected by one of these creatures, he races against time to find the elusive Ka-Bata, humanity's last hope for survival. But with the larva of the tecuani growing within him, Coatl's own fate hangs in the balance. As the threads of fate converge, these three unlikely alliesーdubbed The Rabbit, The Jaguar, and The Snakeーmust overcome their differences and join forces. For if they fail, humanity will be doomed to extinction.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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