Marry an American. Swirls of My Destiny


Marry an American. Swirls of My Destiny


1,920 円 (税抜き)

From her childhood a Russian girl dreamed to live in America. Weird threads of some events, as a astonishing game of the fate sped across the ocean. One day thirty five later years, Alena met a very special American Knight, and then she learned about some strange signs of her fate which brought her there. At all times, people ask the eternal question of the meaning of life, "how to live and what to do." Everyone wants to find happiness, sometimes without answering what it means for one. In different periods of life, each person can be happy for the various reasons. Some people at any age have strength and desire to start a new life, meet love and be happy. There is practically nothing that cannot be overcome if a person sets goals and tries to achieve them, no matter what.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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thirty matter America astonishing periods