Stevie Mastiff Security Volume Two, #3


Stevie Mastiff Security Volume Two, #3


350 円 (税抜き)

This is the third book of Mastiff Security Volume Two, with over 50,000 words of romantic suspense. Stevie had something to prove. All her life, people had pigeonholed her because of her deafness, but she wasn't going to allow that anymore. She was a damn good security operative, and she was going to prove that to her bosses at Mastiff Security if it killed her. The case seemed simple enough: find the person who was stealing confidential client information from a law firm. When all the clues pointed to one associate, she jumped at the chance to take a temporary position as his secretary. That was, of course, until she realized he was her ex-husbandーwell, he should have been ex if he'd ever filed the papers! Seeing him again brought back all that grief and hurt. But there were other things, too. Like lust and jealousy and emotions that kept getting in her way. Was this a second chance at love or the ruination of her career?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
getting Volume position deafness suspense