Design for the Unthinkable World Strange Ecology and Unwelcome Change


Design for the Unthinkable World Strange Ecology and Unwelcome Change


8,885 円 (税抜き)

This edited book contests that if design’s raison d'?tre is to make things better, then the object of design has always been, remains and can only be a changed world and our relationship to it ? the world-for-us. Each chapter was written by carefully selected researchers and practitioners who span geographical, disciplinary, and methodological boundaries in their work. Contributors skilfully examine the case that, while this once might have been seen to be a worthy objective (how else to effect a preferred state and/or pursue the project for the better world?), now the role of designing must cease to service design for change in the manner in which it has been doing. Chapters explore how designing itself might change to explore the possibilities that might exist for the design of what-might-not-become in an unthinkable-world; what Eugene Thacker calls a world-without-us. This world-without-us does not mean a world devoid of humans or an interstellar world, but a world we project that continues to revolve around the sun but no longer revolves around us. This book will be of interest to scholars working in design research, design ecology, product design, service design, experience design, architecture, and information design.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » ART & ENTERTAINMENT
changed always ecology -might longer