Moonlit Promises at Pemberley: A Sweet Pride & Prejudice Variation


Moonlit Promises at Pemberley: A Sweet Pride & Prejudice Variation


600 円 (税抜き)

A heartwarming addition to the beloved world of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice The first few months of Darcy and Lizzy's marriage are blissful, but a surprise letter from Mr. Bingley turns their tranquil life at Pemberley upside down. As the Bingleys arrive, bringing unforeseen challenges and their infant son, Darcy and Lizzy must navigate societal expectations and the enduring bonds of friendship. Amidst whispers and raised eyebrows, the couple discreetly works to assist their friends while maintaining the dignity of Pemberley. Tensions rise, and the strength of Darcy and Lizzy's love is put to the test. Yet, in quiet moments and moonlit evenings, they discover the quiet joys of their relationship. Join Darcy and Lizzy in a sweet tale of love, friendship, and the unexpected trials that come after "happily ever after." Moonlit Promises at Pemberley is a sweet and captivating Pride & Prejudice variation that delves into the enduring romance that continues to flourish beyond the pages of Jane Austen's classic.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
delves tranquil dignity Pemberley marriage