A Stranger's Promise: A Pride and Prejudice Variation


A Stranger's Promise: A Pride and Prejudice Variation


600 円 (税抜き)

After an unexpected turn of events, William Collins has moved into Longbourn, and his first act as master was to put all the Bennet women out of the house, leaving them homeless. The Lucas family offers them a small cottage on their property, but it is cramped and uncomfortable with all five sisters living together in one room. They bicker and argue constantly from the continued togetherness. Mrs. Bennet is desperate for Jane to get married, hoping it will restore their reputation and secure their future. However, the sisters are not sure it will be so easy to find Jane a husband, especially one as fine as Mrs. Bennet seems to expect. Then, one night at an assembly, Elizabeth Bennet makes the acquaintance of a fine gentleman… And everything changes. A Stranger's Promise is a sweet Pride and Prejudice variation sure to surprise and delight you. Bring this romance home today!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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together changes desperate everything surprise