British Ceramics: The Importance and Influence of the Meissen Factory on Figure Production in England in the Mid-18th Century


British Ceramics: The Importance and Influence of the Meissen Factory on Figure Production in England in the Mid-18th Century


424 円 (税抜き)

Meissen had an enormous influence on English figure production which is still prevails to this day. English factories imitated Meissen and other pieces that copied Meissen figurines. Meissen has reigned supreme and their figures command vast sums at auction houses today. Those who imitated have worldwide collectors and pieces fetch decent sums of money at auction despite professional or amateur restoration. This eBook explores the effect that Meissen had on certain porcelain manufacturers in England and gives details some of their values today.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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prevails Meissen collectors figurines English