Who Said the Mirror Wasn’t Gonna Face Me? Well, You May Not Understand That Some People Have a Lot of Things Going on with Themselves. They Come from Different Homes and Have Been Taught Differently. I Have Some Things That Can Help Yo


Who Said the Mirror Wasn’t Gonna Face Me? Well, You May Not Understand That Some People Have a Lot of Things Going on with Themselves. They Come from Different Homes and Have Been Taught Differently. I Have Some Things That Can Help Yo


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What made me write my book is the fact that when I would have no one to talk to. I would lie in my room and visualize how things would be if, I were to be in someone else shoes, as well as what I felt other people’s approach should be in different circumstances. So I think about that, and this is how I would come up with my characters and stories. My stories are religious based The Bible is my mirror, of what God likes or dislikes. These are my past experiences I am sharing to help those that are going through their obstacles.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » ART & ENTERTAINMENT
obstacles visualize approach sharing characters