Sideways Oregon


Sideways Oregon


1,067 円 (税抜き)

The follow-up novel to the blockbuster Sidewaysーthe inspiration for the award-winning film of the same name, starring Paul GiamattiーSideways Oregon tracks the continuing story of Miles Raymond and his buddy Jack. Seven years have passed since Miles and Jack took their infamous bachelor trip to the Santa Ynez Valley. Miles has written a novel that was made into a wildly successful movie, which changed his life. Jack, contrarily, is divorced, has a kid, and is on the skids. Phyllis, Miles’s mom, suffered a stroke that left her wheelchair-bound and wasting away in assisted living, and she desperately wants to live with her sister in Wisconsin. When Miles gets invited to be master of ceremonies at the International Pinot Festival in Oregon, he hatches a harebrained scheme. With Jack as his copilot, he leases a handicapped-equipped van, hires a pot-smoking Filipina caretaker, andーwith his mother’s rascally Yorkie in towーthey take off for Wisconsin via Oregon’s fabled Willamette Valley. This is one road trip that is anything but predictable …画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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changed desperately Wisconsin >Seven -bound