My Prayer now dedicate yours I have come that you may have life -life in all its fullness(see John 10:10)


My Prayer now dedicate yours I have come that you may have life -life in all its fullness(see John 10:10)


484 円 (税抜き)

Months ago i looked at myself as a saved person and i discovered that i was sinking not because i was doing things that were unGodly but i look at myself i saw that theres no growth and i needed God to help me so that i can move beyond the things i was going through .my journey drove from not knowing what was going on any more everything seemed dark , i couldnt pray anymore,i still had strongholds that i was dealing with and i didnt understand why there were still there i had a lot of questions and i needed answers, i was reminded that God has always been there even thou I didn't feel him. Know this Remember what the lord has done in the past Remember Gods role and let him do his thing Learn to dedicate prayers in your situations to help you pray more I REMEMBERED ,I PRAYED Now do the same bless you all画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
always myself because growth >Learn