Qualitative Research in Health and Illness


Qualitative Research in Health and Illness


6,179 円 (税抜き)

In Qualitative Research in Health and Illness, Dr. Jessica Smartt Gullion leverages two decades of experience as a qualitative methodologist and epidemiologist to provide an in-depth guide on conducting qualitative inquiry in the health fields. The book will begin with an overview of qualitative research and its applications. After laying down the foundation, Gullion guides students through the process of conducting research. Chapters provide detailed coverage on the formation of a research question, the ethics of a project, different data collection techniques such as interviewing, ethnographic research, and medical narratives, and concludes with strategies for analyzing data and documenting findings. Each chapter will include a number of exemplars of real projects and brief interviews with researchers doing relevant work, separated out as boxes, as well as active learning assignments for professors utilizing flipped classroom models. This book will broaden researchers' perspectives on research methodologies and serve as an important resource to engage students in the research process.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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classroom active Gullion project narratives