Visionary Women Collective Investable, Transactable and Collaboratable Women of India


Visionary Women Collective Investable, Transactable and Collaboratable Women of India


267 円 (税抜き)

Visionary Women Collective 2023 is a reference book. It is a collection of 100 most notable women professionals and women owned businesses from India. The Book is aimed to be beneficial to both Women featured in the book and to the investors who are interested in investing in women owned ventures. The Women entrepreneurship space is becoming very crowded and investable women owned businesses with the bandwidth to scale are getting lost in the crowd, which becomes quite a challenge for both women and the investors to reach out to each other. Through the visionary collective we handpick such women and feature them for the right opportunity. The Write Up will contain personal information, professional capabilities and bandwidth of her business which will be presented as the primary due diligence for any investor to initiate interest in her venture. The Book will be marketed among communities, business chambers, investors and venture capitalists with a similar purpose. The feature also promotes brand positioning and brand building for her venture. The Collective also serves as an important source for reaching credible Indian women service providers. For eg, Indian Ayurvedic Practitioners are in demand in the western countries, to reach such professionals, this collective serves as a trusted source. This helps both the consumer and the practitioner connect with each other.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
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