Jesus Is Jewish Revealing the Concealed Identity of Jesus of Nazareth


Jesus Is Jewish Revealing the Concealed Identity of Jesus of Nazareth


1,334 円 (税抜き)

Meet Tyrone Nichols, a dedicated scholar deeply invested in the historical fact that Jesus is Jewish. Undergirded by his Master of Divinity from The King's University, Tyrone's extensive research and teachings position him as a distinguished authority on theology, particularly regarding the Jewish foundations of Christianity. In his book, Jesus is Jewish, Ty delves into the often-overlooked identity of Jesus Christ, an identity obscured and masked by various historical, cultural, and theological narratives through millennia. Drawing on ancient manuscripts, historical contexts, and an incisive understanding of the cultural tapestry of the time, Tyrone offers readers a unique lens to rediscover Jesus. His expertise illuminates Jesus's Jewish heritage, and through his guidance, readers discern the interwoven threads of history, tradition, and faith that come together to reveal Yeshua of Nazareth.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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