The Escape


The Escape


1,100 円 (税抜き)

"The Escape" is a deeply reflective work that invites readers to explore hypotheses about mental illnesses. The plot follows the steps of Rosa, a girl born in a remote village where hunger and the unfamiliarity of the city and its mysteries intertwine in her daily life. Unable to read, write, or communicate beyond her dialect (Mixteco), Rosa embarks on a heartbreaking escape in search of a better life. Throughout her journey, Rosa faces challenges that test her emotional strength. As she matures, the adversities of her past begin to manifest in the form of mental illnesses, with Paranoid Schizophrenia being the most notable. The author, through this captivating narrative, aims to raise awareness about the early detection of underlying signs of mental illnesses and the crucial importance of seeking immediate professional help to safeguard mental health. "The Escape" offers mental health students and educators a unique opportunity to explore possible indications of mental illnesses. Through Rosa's story, the reader is invited to examine how various factors could contribute to the development of these conditions. This book poses the possibility of significant change by increasing awareness of their origins and precursor signs of mental health.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Unable invited contribute challenges intertwine