Me: A Book of Remembrance


Me: A Book of Remembrance


320 円 (税抜き)

In 'Me: A Book of Remembrance,' Onoto Watanna explores the complexities of identity and belonging through the story of a young biracial woman navigating between her Japanese and Canadian heritage. The novel is written in a vivid and poignant literary style, capturing the protagonist's inner turmoil and her quest for self-discovery in a society that often marginalizes those who don't fit into neat categories. Watanna's use of descriptive language and introspective narrative adds depth to the protagonist's journey, making 'Me' a compelling read for those interested in multiculturalism and personal identity in literature. Published in 1917, the novel reflects the author's own experiences as a mixed-race woman living in North America during a time of cultural and racial tensions, providing a valuable insight into the challenges faced by individuals caught between two worlds. Readers interested in exploring themes of race, heritage, and self-acceptance will find 'Me: A Book of Remembrance' a thought-provoking and enlightening read.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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