The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law


The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law


450 円 (税抜き)

This post apocalyptic novel, follows a small community, cut off from the outside world, by a large catastrophe, which has destroyed crops and sent humanity into a downward spiral. Goscote, is a small community of 150 people, who have gathered together in the town hall, for safety. They no longer fight off raids by neighbouring communities desperate for resources, eventually finding themselves on their own. When a stranger arrives, they take him in, as he claims to represent the government. Some of the community have their reservations about him, but he has the skills and knowledge they need to improve their lives. He worked as an engineer, and he fixes their electricity supply, helps them improve their crops and animal husbandry and soon he is offered the governorship, which he accepts. But the Federation of Police Authorities is pursuing him, and after a few months of peace and quiet this massively powerful force arrives on their doorstep, and changes their lives forever. This post apocalyptic book, then follows the fortunes of these innocent men and women as they try to escape the clutches of the Federation. Reviews: "The book is intriguing. I found it overwhelming. I found myself unwilling to let the book go until I had finished it. I would definitely pick up the sequel if I were to come across it." "I was genuinely interested in where this tale was heading and there are some fine ideas in here." "Its post-apocalypse setting and ambience stimulated an affectionate nostalgia" “It had me absolutely enthralled from the moment I picked it up.”画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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