Geometries Of The Soul - A Journey To The Heart Of The Arcturian


Geometries Of The Soul - A Journey To The Heart Of The Arcturian


500 円 (税抜き)

Description: "Geometries of the Soul: A Journey to the Heart of the Arcturian Universe" unfolds as an extraordinary journey beyond the boundaries of the spiritual understanding we know, delving into the enigmatic cosmos of the Arcturians. This book invites readers to dive into an exploration of vast and intimate spiritual dimensions, illuminating the mysteries of the Arcturian Sacred Codes. Intended to be a beacon for those in search of healing, metamorphosis, and spiritual elevation, it offers tangible strategies for integrating ancient wisdom into the fabric of our modern lives, promoting a profound journey of healing and spiritual ascension within Arcturian spirituality. Synopsis: "Geometries of the Soul" is your invitation to a transformative odyssey, where the ancient knowledge of the Arcturians emerges as a luminous guide, offering hope to souls in search of enlightenment and spiritual elevation. Unravel the Arcturian Sacred Codes that hold the keys to healing, spiritual advancement, and cosmic balance. With an engaging narrative and accessible practices, this book charts a roadmap to transcendence and spiritual rebirth. Be ready to explore the deepest recesses of your being and unleash the unlimited power that resides in the heart of the Arcturian universe, guiding you on your journey of healing and spiritual elevation.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
unfolds tangible rebirth >Description roadmap