THE EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY OF JIMMY CARTER A Story of Resilience, Leadership, and Service to Humanity


THE EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY OF JIMMY CARTER A Story of Resilience, Leadership, and Service to Humanity


1,755 円 (税抜き)

Learn about the incredible life of Jimmy Carter, the 39th American President. R Learn eaders are invited on an inspiring journey through the life of a statesman, humanitarian, and Nobel laureate whose legacy continues to shape our world. This book presents a man who defied the odds and made a lasting impression on the world, from his modest beginnings in Plains, Georgia, to the highest office in the nation. This well-researched and well-curated book delves deeply into the life and beliefs of the man who is renowned for his steadfast dedication to justice, peace, and human rights. It skillfully combines a wide range of experiences, noteworthy accomplishments, and anecdotes to reveal the profound impact he has had and continues to have on the world and the United States. Readers will be taken to significant historical junctures, including Carter's time in the U.S. Navy, his unwavering work as a peanut farmer, and his eventual ascent to political prominence. Examine the inner workings of his presidency, which was characterized by his historic orchestration of the Camp David Accords, his commitment to environmental protection and energy conservation. Even in the face of numerous national and international obstacles, he never wavered in his unwavering resolve to take on difficult problems. But politics isn't the only subject of this book. It tells the story of the man behind the public imageーthe family man, the Sunday school teacher, the Habitat for Humanity home builder, and the unwavering champion of the underprivileged, all of which helped him win the Nobel Peace Prize. Particular recognition should be given to his dedication to humanitarian causes, which include campaigns to end disease and advance democracy worldwide. We learn more about the man behind the public persona through intimate tales about his relationships, family, and personal challenges, such as his health problems and his unwavering love for his wife Rosalynn. ??Have pleasant Read! Click on the "BUYING BUTTON" and get your copy ??画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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statesman delves noteworthy obstacles commitment