What If?.?.?. Book of Alternative History Revisit Major Milestones That Shaped World History and Discover the Outcome If They Had Happened Differently


What If?.?.?. Book of Alternative History Revisit Major Milestones That Shaped World History and Discover the Outcome If They Had Happened Differently


2,112 円 (税抜き)

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if history had happened differently? What if . . . ・ Watergate hadn’t been uncovered? ・ Communism had failed? ・ Japan had not struck Pearl Harbor? ・ The Cuban Missile Crisis had escalated? ・ The Vikings had colonized North America? ・ Rome never fell? ・ The Soviets had won the space race? ・ The Beatles had never formed? In compelling narratives, historical experts consider these and many more intriguing questions in this fascinating look at what might have been. Each monumental event includes detailed articles by historians, professors, and scholars that pose hypothetical answers to various questions, potential timelines, and full-color illustrations that detail a different outcome. Praise for Jeff Greenfield’s works of alternative history “Shrewdly written, often riveting.” ーThe New York Times “A fascinating


.” ーPublishers Weekly “Thoughtful and sophisticated. . . . a book political junkies will adore.” ーThe Washington Post “Well researched and thought throughーan interesting, plausible exercise.” ーKirkus Reviews画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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articles Communism Beatles history uncovered