Intentional Stuttering How I Overcame My Stutter by Facing My Fear and Embracing Public Speaking


Intentional Stuttering How I Overcame My Stutter by Facing My Fear and Embracing Public Speaking


289 円 (税抜き)

Are you tired of your fears holding you back? Imagine shedding the weight of anxiety, fear, and procrastination. It took Matt over 10 years to finally talk about his stutter. Once he reached out and got the help he needed, he was able to confront his fear and launch into the world of communication and public speaking. Matt shares his riveting personal story and provides invaluable public speaking tips and tricks that resonate with both stutterers and non-stutterers alike. With the wisdom gained from his own experiences, he explores the profound significance of fear and its crippling impact on one's life. Prepare to witness Matt's evolution from an undercover stutterer to a confident and practised public speaker. Don't let your fears dictate your life's course. Join Matt on his inspiring journey of self-discovery and empowerment.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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launch tricks invaluable undercover dictate