The Secret Art of Pressure Point Fighting Techniques to Disable Anyone in Seconds Using Minimal Force


The Secret Art of Pressure Point Fighting Techniques to Disable Anyone in Seconds Using Minimal Force


1,584 円 (税抜き)

From a ninth Dan Master, a guide to disabling anyone using minimal force, with 300 step-by-step photos showing each vital point and strike. Ancient martial arts legends tell of masters who possess a mysterious ability to defeat an opponentーand in some cases even cause deathーwith one perfectly placed blow. The Secret Art of Pressure Point Fighting transforms the myth into a modern, anatomicallyーbased self-defense technique that allows smaller defenders to defeat larger attackers by striking at the vulnerable points on their bodies. Written by one of the world’s leading authorities and clearly illustrated with photos of each pressure point, this book shows how knowledge of the body’s vulnerable points can enhance both competitive fighting and personal self-defense skills. The Secret Art of Pressure Point Fighting doesn’t teach theoretical strikes, it presents the actual moves used throughout the world by military special forces and law enforcement agencies to disable opponents as quickly as possible. The moves in this book are straightforward and easy to learn. They are designed to empower anyoneーregardless of size or physical strengthーwith the ability to stop an attacker using a minimal amount of physical strength.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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