An Approved Worker Discovering the Importance of Being Family, Fellow Laborers, and Militia in the Church


An Approved Worker Discovering the Importance of Being Family, Fellow Laborers, and Militia in the Church


1,134 円 (税抜き)

An Approved Worker is a disciple who understands and loves being family, militia, and a coworker. In order to have competent Christian workers for the harvest of the last days, it is urgent for every disciple and leader to focus on mentoring new believers. Only then will the laborers be plentiful and the world be reached with the gospel. A believer becomes an approved laborer through working every day at their local church. It is in the context of the local church that the believer learns the importance of being family, a fellow laborer and militia. An Approved Worker addresses those three roles, their importance, and their practical application for approved Christian laborers all over the world.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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militia Approved urgent church working