Beyond Biohacking: Remote Electromagnetic Microchips Implantation and the Coming Age of Human Augmentation 1A, #1


Beyond Biohacking: Remote Electromagnetic Microchips Implantation and the Coming Age of Human Augmentation 1A, #1


3,650 円 (税抜き)

Beyond Biohacking: Remote Electromagnetic Microchips Implantation and the Coming Age of Human Augmentation By Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam ( Pen Name) Abebe Gebre Woldemariam ( Real Full Name) Are we on the verge of a revolution in human enhancement? This thought-provoking book explores the rapidly developing field of remote implantation of electromagnetic microchips in humans. In clear and accessible language, Abebe-Bard AI Woldemariam, a collaboration between a researcher and a large language model, examines the current state of this technology, diving deep into: The history and applications of microchip implants Existing implant technologies, like Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) chips The challenges of achieving remote implantation The potential benefits are vast, with possibilities for: Remote health monitoring Targeted drug delivery Prosthetic control Neural stimulation for medical and potential cognitive enhancements Improved emergency response But with such power comes responsibility. The book delves into the critical ethical and legal considerations, including: Privacy concerns Data security risks The importance of informed consent The potential for misuse Looking ahead, the book explores: Ongoing research and development in remote implantation and electromagnetic effects How this technology might integrate with Artificial Intelligence/Computer/Machine and the Internet of Things (IoT) Remote Implantation of Electromagnetic Microchips in Humans offers a balanced and thought-provoking exploration of this emerging technology. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of healthcare, bioethics, and human enhancement.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » COMPUTERS & SCIENCE
delves language implants history Augmentation