Algo Trading: Trade Smart and Efficiently Using the Algorithmic Trading System


Algo Trading: Trade Smart and Efficiently Using the Algorithmic Trading System


500 円 (税抜き)

Become part of the elite group of winning traders by leveraging the power of algorithms! Are you ready to step up your trading to the next level? Make real money from the markets and take on every trading setup without losing sleep or money! In the trading industry, there's the 90-90-90 rule: "90% of traders lose 90% of their money in the first 90 days." This isn't just a catchy statement. It's the sad reality of the trading industry. Sooner or later, the majority of aspiring traders find themselves against the rocks of their broken dreams. Don't be part of the losing 90%. You can do that with the help of this trading guide. In this book, you'll learn: How algo trading can increase your profits. The best-kept secrets to crafting a powerful trading strategy. How to avoid the number one rookie mistake in algo testing. The missing pieces to the puzzle of profitable algo trading. How to pick the best tools. Key aspects of algo strategies you should never overlook. The secrets to winning every timeーeven when you lose. What no one tells you about risk-to-reward ratios and win rates. The key to unlocking massive profits while keeping your risk low. How to improve trade accuracy with expert time frame analysis. The ultimate answer to the conundrum of timing your trade exits. Imagine looking at your trading records and seeing a steady climb in profits. Feel what it would be like to go to bed each night and wake up knowing that there's an algorithm generating money on your behalf.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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