Enduring Hope Supporting a Loved One with Chronic Suicidal Thoughts


Enduring Hope Supporting a Loved One with Chronic Suicidal Thoughts


289 円 (税抜き)

"Enduring Hope: Supporting a Loved One with Chronic Suicidal Thoughts" is a compassionate and practical guide designed to assist individuals in supporting a loved one who is struggling with depression and chronic suicidal thoughts. This book emphasizes empathy, understanding, and effective communication strategies to help navigate through difficult times. It provides valuable insights into recognizing warning signs, offering emotional support, and accessing professional help when needed. Importantly, "Enduring Hope" is not intended as medical advice but rather as a source of comfort and guidance for family members and friends impacted by their loved one's crisis. The book includes a QR code that readers can scan to access dedicated international help lines and emergency contact information, ensuring that support is readily available when it's needed most.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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