PERCIVAL EVERETT BIOGRAPHY The Life, Legacy And Intimate Portrait Of An Iconoclastic Novelist


PERCIVAL EVERETT BIOGRAPHY The Life, Legacy And Intimate Portrait Of An Iconoclastic Novelist


532 円 (税抜き)

Behind the literary maverick's daring narratives lies a life steeped in unconventionality ? a rebel's odyssey through the hallowed halls of academia and the sacrosanct realms of literature. In this first-ever biography, peel back the layers of Everett's enigmatic persona to unveil the alchemist who breathed new life into American letters. What m?bius strips of experience twisted this wordsmith's perspective into his signature meta-fictions and subversive storytelling? How did an outsider's edge propel him to the vanguard of innovation? From his iconoclastic beginnings to his bold forays into boundless creativity, this winding trail casts an unflinching gaze upon Everett's life and exhilarating body of work. Beyond a mere chronicle, this profound exploration dismantles conventions, challenging you to reimagine the contours of truth, identity, and how we receive the daring voices that realign our reality. For followers of Everett's transcendent vision, this book is the ultimate immersion into his uncompromising artistic ethos. Brace yourself for a literary plunge like no other ? a soul-stirring descent into the mastermind who redefined the novel itself. Secure your copy now and bear witness to genius unchained. Click Buy Now to ensure you're among the first readers to experience this revolution of a biography.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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unflinching Everett >Brace alchemist dismantles